Customer Experience

Customer Experience isn’t a program

Dec/2 By

It’s really not all that new. Build quality products that customers want. Provide good customer service. And if you’re successful, profitability will follow. It’s been the formula for most companies

Toxic Leadership: Bricks in the Wall

Dec/17 By

Emotional Intelligence is the art of self awareness. A growth mindset believes we can all continue to grow and improve in abilities; that there is no arbitrary self-limit. The very

The Joy of Feeling Stupid

Jun/23 By

When’s the last time you felt stupid? I don’t mean making-a-mistake stupid. I mean, like what-the-heck-am-i-even-doing kind of stupid? While it’s human nature to not like feeling stupid, let me

Overcoming Negativity:’Can’t -Because’

May/15 By

Ever met someone who’s a real downer? You know the kind – they’re inordinately gifted in articulating why things won’t work? Why things are bad and getting worse, and there’s

Leaders Know Who They Are And What They’re About

May/10 By

While out walking my dog in a rural neighborhood recently, a hybrid, more wolf than dog came out to the street in a very aggressive way. I’ve never been looked

Never Scratch Yahtzee

Feb/22 By

Most of us have played the dice game of Yahtzee where each turn, you seek to maximize your points by matching a defined combination of numbers to score one of

No Excuse Leadership

Jan/28 By

Leading an organization is hard work. Far too many things are outside your control, and circumstances all too often seem to line up against what you’re trying to achieve. If

A legacy of uplifting others

A legacy of uplifting others

Oct/20 By

A colleague of mine was recently killed in a tragic accident. His untimely death sent shockwaves through the professional world we both inhabited. Hundreds of shocked and saddened people, just

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